Priority Code | Description | Target Response Time | Target Resolution Time |
1 | Critical | Immediate | 1 Hour |
2 | High | 10 Minutes | 4 Hours |
3 | Medium | 1 Hour | 8 Hours |
4 | Low | 4 Hours | 24 Hours |
5 | Very low | 1 Day | 1 Week |
Suggest we customise these to suit CICS and add examples for Food, Pharmacy, Funeral, Travel and Functional Departments
P1 HIGH IMPACT HIGH URGENCY | A large number of staff are affected and/or not able to do their job. A large number of customers are affected and/or acutely disadvantaged in some way. The financial impact of the Incident is (for example) likely to exceed 10,000. The damage to the reputation of the business is likely to be high. Someone has been injured. The damage caused by the Incident increases rapidly. Work that cannot be completed by staff is highly time sensitive. A minor Incident can be prevented from becoming a major Incident by acting immediately. Several users with VIP status are affected. | |
P2 MEDIUM IMPACT HIGH URGENCY | A moderate number of staff are affected and/or not able to do their job properly. A moderate number of customers are affected and/or inconvenienced in some way. The financial impact of the Incident is (for example) likely to exceed 1,000 but will not be more than 10,000. The damage to the reputation of the business is likely to be moderate. IMPACT The damage caused by the Incident increases considerably over time. A single user with VIP status is affected. | |
P3 MEDIUM IMPACT LOW URGENCY | A moderate number of staff are affected and/or not able to do their job properly. A moderate number of customers are affected and/or inconvenienced in some way. The financial impact of the Incident is (for example) likely to exceed 1,000 but will not be more than 10,000. The damage to the reputation of the business is likely to be moderate. IMPACT The damage caused by the Incident only marginally increases over time. Work that cannot be completed by staff is not time sensitive. | |
P4 LOW IMPACT HIGH URGENCY | A minimal number of staff are affected and/or able to deliver an acceptable service but this requires extra effort. A minimal number of customers are affected and/or inconvenienced but not in a significant way. The financial impact of the Incident is (for example) likely to be less than 1,000. The damage to the reputation of the business is likely to be minimal. IMPACT The damage caused by the Incident increases considerably over time. A single user with VIP status is affected. | |
P5 LOW IMPACT LOW URGENCY | A minimal number of staff are affected and/or able to deliver an acceptable service but this requires extra effort. A minimal number of customers are affected and/or inconvenienced but not in a significant way. The financial impact of the Incident is (for example) likely to be less than 1,000. The damage to the reputation of the business is likely to be minimal. IMPACT The damage caused by the Incident only marginally increases over time. Work that cannot be completed by staff is not time sensitive. |